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Writer's picturecatpassionate

The Perplexing, Pedigreed Popcorn

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Popcorn has been a frequent visitor of the Village for a couple of years. We don’t call him a resident because he only shows up a few times a week. Despite his “visitor” status, he always leaves a lasting impression. He is never challenged by the other cats as a non-resident and drops into more than one Village location, earning him the moniker of “double-dipper”.

As a Flame Point Siamese, we always wonder how such a beautiful cat found his way into the Village. He has a wonderful personality, living up to the characteristics of his breed as being friendly, vocal and dog-like.

As soon as I arrive to feed on the mornings Popcorn is present, he meows constantly. He craves a bit of affection—a gentle scratching of his back—before he will eat. Sometimes he’ll even forego eating to follow me around as I feed others.

Popcorn is really smart. He knows how to slow me down as I try to quickly feed all of the hungry mouths waiting for me. He will zigzag in front of my feet to get me to stop and if I don’t stop, he may take an annoyed swipe at me. I know he means no harm. He just wants attention.

We have tried multiple times and failed to trap Popcorn to get him neutered and vaccinated, which speaks to his intellect. But we have not given up. Surely, we can outsmart this cat. It is our goal to trap him before spring and see to his vetting needs. We’re hoping once he’s neutered and vaccinated, he will give up the grunge look he has perfected and consider settling down in the Village.

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