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Writer's picturecatpassionate

Copper's Miracle

Updated: May 18, 2022

Copper is another one of the original cats of the Village. He has a big heart and a big appetite. He loves to eat and loves his friends Socks and Clancy. In many videos posted to our Facebook page he can be seen rubbing up against these friends.

He has a high tolerance for others, like Benny the Bully, until Benny gets out of line, then he’s quick to establish boundaries with a swift, but gentle swat of the paw.

In January 2022, Copper suffered some sort of terrible injury. He had been missing for three days, which was concerning. Then, he showed up under a palm tree, simply curled up and resting. When one of our caregivers attempted to feed him, he tried to get up and move away. It was clear his hind legs were not functioning normally. Two of the Village caregivers mobilized to see if they could capture him and get him vet care. From the looks of his injuries, it seemed euthanasia would be certain.

Despite the caregivers’ efforts—crawling through overgrown brush—Copper eluded them. A drone was brought in to see if his location could be spotted to no avail.

A week went by when caregivers thought they spotted Copper a distance away from the Village. They set up another feeding station for him and decided to keep watch in person and via a trail camera.

More weeks passed, then miraculously he appeared at the Village. The caregiver who spotted him could not believe her eyes. He clearly could no longer walk like a cat normally does on his hindlegs, but he was getting around and still keeping his distance, not wanting to travel too far.

Another feeding station was set up for Copper in the area where he seemed to stay away from the fray of Village cats. Then, he began moving closer to where he always ate with the Group of 8, more or less. He would walk slowing and deliberately to the location, with a slight drag in his hindlegs. He no longer walked on his tiptoes like a normal cat. His whole hind foot of each leg now connected to the ground.

We took several videos and shared them with a vet who often provides generous guidance and support. She recommended not trapping him but leaving him be. She suspects he suffered several broken bones, including his pelvis. Thankfully, cat bones repair themselves quickly, but maybe not to the state they were in before the injury. She prescribed some medication for inflammation and pain, which seemed to promote further healing.

As we look back, it seems Copper knew best what he needed after his injuries. He taught us some very valuable lessons. Trust the cat’s nature. Don’t rush to judgement. And, remember they are resilient.

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